Kletterwald auf Englisch

Kletterwald auf Englisch

‚Yesterday makes really fun because we are in the Kletterwald and there was many zip lines. We had nice ice cream and work in a team. Today we make a film with some friends and it was funny because we have many outtakes and we hope our movie is good. And I hope...
Englischcamp Gedichte aus dem Schulcamp Nürtingen

Englischcamp Gedichte aus dem Schulcamp Nürtingen

Mit Hilfe unserer Story-Würfel kamen die Schüler auf besonders schöne Gedichte. Sie hatten die Aufgabe erhalten, aus ihrem Namen und eben 2 Seiten der Story-Würfel ein Gedicht zu basteln – was dabei herauskam, war wirklich beeindruckend. Englisch wieder mal ganz...
Englischcamp im Kleinwalsertal

Englischcamp im Kleinwalsertal

In October, as every year, our school camp took place with the students from Nürtingen. A great team from England, lots of sun and, of course, English all day long resulted in a really special camp. Here is a contribution from the participants: ‚The best from...
Rivers and Lakes Camp – Splashdown!

Rivers and Lakes Camp – Splashdown!

We had a wonderful first day exploring Alpensee with inflatable boats. Our favorite parts of the day were the team games – ‚Boat basketball‘, a relay race, and even lifting a boat over our heads! The water was crystal clear and refreshing. Sometimes...