von kathrin | Apr 28, 2010 | Uncategorized
hier noch mal mein Lieblingsvideo, dass euch einen guten Eindruck von einem Teil unseres Camps vermittelt. Enjoy and have fun! Für Pfingsten sind noch Plätze frei – ready for an adventure? Come along!
von kathrin | Apr 13, 2010 | Uncategorized
Three fearless mountaineers save the little mountain village of Baad and the Sprachcamp Allgäu from being destroyed by terrorists!
von kathrin | Apr 9, 2010 | Ostercamp
Yesterday and today we were at the mountain hut. It was very old. The floor was very uneven and made of wood. It was very cool, we had no energy and no warm water. We walked to this hut for three hours through the snow. We made a fire to cook the food and to keep...
von kathrin | Apr 8, 2010 | Ostercamp
Perfect Conditions! We hiked up to a really old rustic hut on wednesday and spent the night there. We finished the day with delicious Spaghetti Bolognese that the kids cooked themselves. The next day we left the hut, went climbing on a rock. Day number 5 is waiting...
von kathrin | Apr 8, 2010 | Ostercamp
My favourite part of today was the rock climbing, we went 28 meters up and abseiled down. Sprach camp is good because we learn english outside, we have lots of fun. All the kids have lots of fun together. By Julian and Ron
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