von kathrin | Sep. 28, 2010 | Uncategorized
Nachdem wir im Sommercamp dieses Jahr mit Schnee unser Programm machen mussten, schauen wir gelassen dem Herbst entgegen. Wir hoffen natürlich auf einen Indian summer, aber auch wenn das Wetter nicht mitspielt haben wir spannende Alternativen für euch im Programm:...
von kathrin | Sep. 11, 2010 | Uncategorized
Hier einer unserer letzten Filme unseres Sprachcamps. Enjoy!
von kathrin | Sep. 2, 2010 | Uncategorized
„We were in the High Ropes Course, it was very fun and cool. At first we had to climb up the Jacobs Ladder and then we jumped from a 5 meter high pole with a belay. I learned many cool things, I wasn’t scared. This afternoon we are going to watch our...
von kathrin | Sep. 1, 2010 | Uncategorized
„Today we went to the climbing hall with the bus. My friends saved me when I was climbing. I was happy because I made it to the top. Then we were playing on the mattress and it was very, very funny. I had fun because the day was relaxed.“ -Caroline...
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