von Katrin Jost | Mai 20, 2020 | Corona Krise, Sommercamp
Unser Camp lebt vom Miteinander, davon dass wir Kontakt zu unseren Teilnehmern aufbauen, damit das Englisch Lernen in einer vertrauten Umgebung stattfinden kann. Damit das Englisch lernen Spaß macht. Unser Camp funktioniert nicht kontaktlos. Ich könnte mir zwar ein...
von Katrin Jost | Aug. 1, 2019 | Sommercamp
Falls ihr schon nach unserem Sprachcamp Blog gesucht habt – wir hatten diese Woche so viel zu tun, dass wir noch nicht zum schreiben gekommen sind. Wir waren mit dem ‚Rivers und Lakes‘ Camp am Alpsee und auf der Iller und mit unserem Mountains Camp...
von blogger | Aug. 10, 2018 | Sommercamp, Sommercamp River & Lakes
This week by Christian & Benedikt On Sunday we arrived We are still alive Then we got to know each other And did that without our mothers On Monday we played games And shouted out our names On Tuesday we did climb Listen to our rhyme On Wednesday we made a movie...
von blogger | Aug. 9, 2018 | Sommercamp
Today all teams at Sprachcamp went to the Flying Fox course in the forest. This was the highlight of the week for loads of us – climbing, jumping, soaring 90m through the trees up to 15m high! Alina: My favorite part of the week has been the flying fox park,...
von blogger | Aug. 8, 2018 | Sommercamp
To prepare for writing a movie script, today our group wrote stories using story dice: wooden dice with different symbols or characters on them (for example: witch, troll, thunderstorm, castle, princess, hourglass, star, …). Everyone rolled three dice and had to...
von blogger | Aug. 7, 2018 | Sommercamp
Hello! We have been having lots of fun on the first few days of camp and have become good friends already. On the first day we completed a series of challenges to defeat the Jabberwocky monster. We had to pass the sea of lava, the snake of the underworld, the...
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