von blogger | Aug. 5, 2014 | Sommercamp, Sommercamp River & Lakes
It was very nice and sunny for playing English games today. We searched for flint and wool and then we made a fire. We played the river game. There was a lot of teamwork and I liked this. When we drew posters we had a lot of fun. Anonia K, Stefanie S and Paul...
von blogger | Aug. 2, 2013 | Sommercamp
The final full day at Sprachcamp was most definitely one to remember! The juniors turned their hands to film making, while the seniors went to a climbing wall near Oberstdorf to climb and even try out some abseiling. The day’s not over yet though; a bonfire with...
von kathrin | Aug. 25, 2012 | Uncategorized
Ganz unerwartet haben wir am Donnerstag nach einem der hetigsten Regenstürme doch Grillen können und einen tollen Abend am Lagerfeuer verbracht. Fragen Sie Ihre Kids zu Haus mal nach S´MORES 🙂 And the kids learned how important it is to say please and THANK YOU...
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