Lakes Day 2

Lakes Day 2

It was very nice and sunny for playing English games today. We searched for flint and wool and then we made a fire. We played the river game. There was a lot of teamwork and I liked this. When we drew posters we had a lot of fun. Anonia K, Stefanie S and Paul...
Sommer Mountains I- Friday 2/8/13

Sommer Mountains I- Friday 2/8/13

The final full day at Sprachcamp was most definitely one to remember! The juniors turned their hands to film making, while the seniors went to a climbing wall near Oberstdorf to climb and even try out some abseiling. The day’s not over yet though; a bonfire with...

Mountains 3 – Bonfire Night

Ganz unerwartet haben wir am Donnerstag nach einem der hetigsten Regenstürme doch Grillen können und einen tollen Abend am Lagerfeuer verbracht. Fragen Sie Ihre Kids zu Haus mal nach S´MORES 🙂 And the kids learned how important it is to say please and THANK YOU...