Lakes Day 2

Lakes Day 2

It was very nice and sunny for playing English games today. We searched for flint and wool and then we made a fire. We played the river game. There was a lot of teamwork and I liked this. When we drew posters we had a lot of fun. Anonia K, Stefanie S and Paul...

Ostercamp 2011 – letzte Plätze zu vergeben:-)

Langsam wird es eng und es sind nur wenige Plätze in unserem Englischcamp frei. Dieses Jahr freue ich mich besonders auf unser Juniorcamp in der ersten Osterwoche. Wir haben uns schon tolle Spiele vorbereitet und das Team vom Berghotel Baad steht auch schon für uns...

Climbing at SprachCamp Allgäu

„Today we went to the climbing hall with the bus. My friends saved me when I was climbing. I was happy because I made it to the top. Then we were playing on the mattress and it was very, very funny. I had fun because the day was relaxed.“ -Caroline...