Mountains III

Mountains III

The Sprach Camp is really fun and you play lots of games. Sometimes you go outside and play, or go hiking and I am looking forward to going climbing. The instructor helps us to understand. You don’t have the pressure of grades because you learn the English...

Auf 2-Tagestour im Kleinwalsertal

Da die Tour so anstrengend war, hat es heute Abend nur noch zum Spagetti kochen gereicht:-) Den Blog gibt es dann wohl morgen. Hier aber schon mal ein paar Bilder – wo ich da war, hat die Energie immerhin zum Hide-and-Seek spielen gereicht – und zum Schoki...

More Sprachcamp Allgäu

Today is the second day in the Camp. The house is very big and nice. We are 9 boys and 3 girls. We learn about the rules of Camp.We walk in the forest to the rock wall. We climbing  at the rock wall. We play a Feels-Game : Paula and Ursula said: “ I felt happy....