The movie project at Kanucamp

Yesterday afternoon we wrote the story about our film. Our film is about the Alpsee Monster. Today we were filming our story. It was very funny because some of us forgot their text. We had to film some of the scenes again. But all in all it was funny. By Sinje, Julie,...

Sprachcamp Kanu Monday

Today we went to the big Alpsee . We  were there to do canouing .  A lot of  children were capsize and played a funny teamgame. After that we jumped from a bridge into the water .  It was very cold  when we canoed back to the beach . Finally we went to an Icecafe....

Aye, aye captain! Segel-Englishcamp Schlei.

Wolltet ihr schon immer mal den hohen Norden vom Wasser aus sehen, unter dem Sternenhimmel oder in einem Tipi übernachten und wissen was „Segel dicht holen“ auf Englisch heisst? Dann ist das Segel-Englishcamp Schlei an der Ostsee genau das richtige für...