von kathrin | Aug. 6, 2015 | Segelcamp
Blog day 3, coutesy of Till and Julius: „Today we had 3 to 4 knots of wind strength- a little bit more than yesterday. We had a lot of fun because there were not so many big waves and nobody had sea sickness. We started in Sonderborg at 930- I was a bit tired as...
von kathrin | Aug. 5, 2015 | Segelcamp
Blog day two thanks to Tom and Mika: „The day stared with half an hour’s more sleep than yesterday as we were closer to the toilet block. After breakfast we set the sails and left the harbour. We didn’t have much wind so as a result couldn’t...
von blogger | Juli 28, 2015 | Segelcamp
Marieke sums up Tuesday for us: „Today is Tuesday and our second sailing day. In the morning we ate breakfast together at 815 and starts the day at 900 with logbooks and a briefing. We played pass the bomb with letters of the alphabet and people’s names....
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