Herbstcamp 2019

Herbstcamp 2019

Wir planen gerade unser Herbstcamp für 2019 Der Termin ist für den 27. Oktober bis 2. November 2019 vorgesehen. Veranstaltungsort ist wahrscheinlich Baad im Kleinwalsertal, das hängt aber noch von der Gruppengröße ab. Anmeldungen sind aber ab sofort möglich… Wir...
Oceans Camp I – Sunshine and rain

Oceans Camp I – Sunshine and rain

Marieke sums up Tuesday for us: „Today is Tuesday and our second sailing day. In the morning we ate breakfast together at 815 and starts the day at 900 with logbooks and a briefing. We played pass the bomb with letters of the alphabet and people’s names....

Thursday juniors

We started at nine o´clock and went to the bus. We went to Baad by bus. We got off the bus and walked to the hut. On the Way we played a Game-the duck race. We made two teams and one group had the ducks. They had to hide the ducks on the way. We had to phone with the...