Englische Grüße von der Insel Lyo

Englische Grüße von der Insel Lyo

Our sailors made it to the island of Lyo – with lots of English games, English sailing and delicious food! Here is another message from Louis and the kids: Evening from the small island of Lyo. We arrived here in the harbor at just after 4pm and have had a...
Oceans Camp 2 mit dem Sprachcamp Allgäu

Oceans Camp 2 mit dem Sprachcamp Allgäu

Unser erster Segeltag in unserem Segelcamp Oceans 2 steht an. Das haben die Teilnehmer Björn und Katharina zu sagen: „Today we got up at 7 am. At 745 three of the boys made breakfast. After eating we got some instructions for getting the boat ready. We left the...

Englisch lernen in der Hitzewelle

More news from the Juniors. Hier erstmal die Photos…blog folgt sofort:-) Saskia: We had fun filming a video. In the river it is cold! Vincent: The day was very boring cos we didn’t go to the lake Jan: We made our own film and that was funny. And we were by...