von kathrin | Aug. 21, 2012 | Uncategorized
Ein paar Bilder und Berichte aus dem Camp für die Daheimgebliebenen 🙂 At 2 o´clock on Sunday we arrived at „Sprachcamp Allgäu“! We played games together to get to know another. Then we had dinner. After that we went to our rooms. At 10.30 we should sleep....
von kathrin | Apr. 12, 2012 | Ostercamp
Today we built rockets. When we wanted some pieces of the rocket, we had to do some teamwork games. We had to discuss what we have done good and bad. The game „Where is Peter“ was the best. It was funny! Lukas, Paul and Josef opened a Tea & Co...
von kathrin | Juni 15, 2011 | Uncategorized
Today we were at the High Ropes Course. First we did an exercise to do with balance and teamwork. Than we had to climb. First we climbed the Jacob’s ladder, then the double beam, the Chaplin walk but the best was the jump. It was very funny but a little bit...
von kathrin | Apr. 23, 2011 | Ostercamp
We hiked to a private climbing park. In teamwork, we climbed a huge ladder. We also made teamwork to go on top of the pamper pole. We climbed on a tree and there we jumped from it. It was much fun! We played English games, like this: “Before the jump I felt scared,...
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