Report about first night (Maxim S.)

In „Sprachcamp Allgäu“ we spoke with the instructor about the time, when we must go to bed. We made a compormise that we go at ten o’clock to our rooms and at eleven o’clock we must sleep. So all went to their rooms at ten o’clock and...

A good start at the English Camp in Baad

A nice first day is over and when we look back, everything worked out very well. Everybody arrived (nearly) in time and after a few outdoor games, which helped to learn everybody’s names, we had yummy dinner. As a evening program we went out in the near forest...

English Camp NRW – ready for take-off!

Am Sonntag ist es soweit: Das erste sommerliche Sprachcamp in Baad startet mit hoffentlich gutem Wetter in die Saison. Eure Sprachtrainer in diesem Englisch Camp werden übrigens Katrin, Felix und Rachel sein. Falls ihr euch die drei schon vorab mal genauer anschauen...