Der Reuterhof wo unsere Teilnehmer gerade im Kanucamp sind wirbt damit, dass man endlich mal wieder durchschnaufen kann, weil es dort kein kabelloses Internet gibt und man einfach mal die tolle Bergwelt genießen kann.

Somit hat es ein bisschen länger gedauert bis die ersten Blogs der Teilnehmer bei uns im Büro gelandet sind.

Hier ein paar Eindrücke Ihrer Kids zur bisherigen Woche:


We arrived at the Reuterhof. It’s pretty cool there and we have a good view over the valley. In the evening we hiked to a good view point, we walked back over the meadows. The first night was OK and the food there is really good. We eat breakfast on the balcony. Sooo cool!


Today we were canoeing. We all got a wet suit – pants and a jacket. Also we got a helmet and shoes. We started to practice paddling. After that we finally went on the lake. We played several games on the lake. Then suddenly thunderstorm started. So we quickly went to the flat water and left the lake. We walked back to the house.


Today it seemed to be a good day but when we went to breakfast our order from the bakery wasn’t there. So we had bread, but there wasn’t enough bread for breakfast and lunch. Then we went with the canoes onto the water for the whole day. We sailed and had a picnic. In the evening we had pizza and ice cream. We had a fun day!


Today we did a walky-talky challenge. We split into two groups and one group hid balls and told the other group where to find them. And after that we had lunch and went swimming in the lake. But one ball was hidden longer because the group couldn’t find it. And Jakob planted a tree with hazelnuts near the lake.


In the morning we woke up and ate breakfast. Then we made our way to the high ropes course. That was a long way. So we were exhausted. On the high ropes course there were many trees with exciting challenges. We were there for three hours, then our group got hungry. Before we went to the roller coaster we ate our lunch. Some of us were jumping on a trampoline and the other people waited for the roller coaster. Then we drove down the hill. That was a lot of fun. We walked up the hill and now we’re writing our diary.

Heute am Freitag sind die mittlerweile recht erfahrenen Kanuten mit den Booten auf der Iller unterwegs und heute Abend sind dann auch die ersten Bilder online 🙂