Florian, Jule, Jan, Marc and Maxi moved from Baad to our house at the Alpsee – the others came and we played monopoly that night (Maxim)

On Monday we got up at 8 o’clock and we ate breakfast. Then we went canoeing – it was very funny when i capsized and when we played balance games (Jule)

Today (Tuesday) we capsized a lot of times, we had fun and we learnt a lot about canoeing and Egnlish. For dinner we had a BBQ. It was a lot of fun (Florian)

On Wednesday we went canoeing across the lake and ate italian ice cream. We made a dialogue and a storyboard for a movie (Manuel)

On Thursday we made a film. My group and I made the best (Fabian)

On Friday we went to the mountain hut – we were sliding in the mud – it was very funny (Elias)