Dear Sprachcamp enthusiasts,

Today the seniors left for their mountain excursion and we shan’t see them again till Thursday evening (Good riddance, more space for the Juniors!)

For today’s blog, Franzi and Janina from the Juniors tell us a bit about the Room Olympics

‚Room Olympics

For room olympics you have to tidy up your room.

Clean the floor

Make sure the smell is good

Make the beds

Tidy the wardrobe with your clothes

And then the brownie points!

When you want brownie points, you have to make a poem or sing a song or draw a picture. So the trainers like bribes of sweets!

For today we did everything; we made a poem, did a drum song, gave a story and a joke (not to forget the bribe).

Both Monday and Tuesday we scored a 16 which we are so happy with! ‚