Neben vielen Bildern melden sich natürlich auch die Teilnehmer unseres Camps immer mal wieder zu Wort. Wie die ersten Tage so waren erfahren Sie jetzt:
- „This week I have enjoyed. All were happy going on the rollercoaster. I was really proud of myself beacuse I managed all elements of the highropes course“ Isa
- „This week I have enjoyed: The highropes because it was really funny and high but at the first station I was really worry. The rollercoaster was very funny too and it was good because it was really long and very fast and the english games are good. I´m very content. I´m really proud of myself because I learn much of things.“ Konstantin
- „This week I enjoyed highropes, rollercoaster and games. I have enjoyed highropes because it was very funny and the people are so nice! The rollercoaster was relaxed because it was not so fast. I was angry of Tom because he crashed me with the rollercoaster but he said sorry. Now I´m happy. I was really proud of Xenia and Tom because she went on the rollercoaster and Tom have learned German.“ Leonie
- „I very enjoyed the highropes and the rollercoaster. The evening program on the first day was boring. Yesterday it was better.“ Jakob
- „This week I have enjoyed the highropes because it was very funny and I enjoyed being tested to my limits. Someone who I am really proud of is Tom because he is learning a little bit of German.“ Lea
Unser Sprachtrainer-Assistent Tom kommt aus dem südenglischen Dorset und scheint sehr beliebt zu sein 🙂
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