
Sensationelles Wetter begleitete uns auf unsere Expedition von Baad über die Ochsenhofer Scharte zur Schwarzwasserhütte. Sonne pur, was zwar sehr schön aber auch ganz schön heiß war. Abendessen gab es in der Hütte und Frühstück für den nächsten Morgen haben wir uns selber mitgebracht.

Was haben die Kids dazu gesagt und wie sah das aus? Kommt sofort 🙂


„The weather was great and the landscape too“ Madeleine

„We got to plan the expedition ourselves! Cool! It felt like a big adventure!“ Vincent

„The landscape was great! And it was hot and we have so much fun, too!“ Christoph


„It was a very hard way but the landscape was wonderful“ Tim

„It was a cool trip and a nice landscape.“ Max

„The hike-in was very hard but when we were at the hut it was fantastic.“ Josua


„The two days were pretty nice. Even though it was hard trip to the hut.“ Caro

„The trip we took was good and we had a lot of fun by playing language games.“ Rebecca

„The landscape was cool but it was very hot. The hut and hike-in generally were cool“ Till