Am Sonntag haben wir zusammen mit den Kids erst einmal die Gegend ausgekundschaftet, englische Spiele gespielt und einandener kennengelernt. Montag haben wir dann eine ganze Menge gemacht, aber da lassen wir gerne mal die Stimmen Ihrer Kinder sprechen. Hannah aus Schottland und ich hatten eine Menge Spaß.
Today we done lots of funny games for example SPLASH and some other games. When we made this games we got pieces from a rocket. Then we got all pieces and we builded a rocket and shot it in the air. (Thomas)
Today the weather was not so good. At first we had an introduction to climbing. After that we played „rocket“. Then we build a rocket. It flew high in the sky. (Anna Schw.)
Today we got our climbing gear. After that we go out and put on our climbing things. Then we learned knots for our harness. It was fun. We played the funny game „SPLASH“. The day was a funny day.( Marlene)
Today the weather wasn´t very well. At first we got an introduction to climbing and in the afternoon we played a game called „Rockets“. There you must play games and when you win a game you get a part of the rocket. (Anna S.)
Mehr Berichte und dann auch Fotos gibts Dienstag Abend. Schauen Sie also ruhig bald wieder rein 🙂
Ihr Carsten Jost
Seems to be lot of fun 😀
I love to see that the double Annas have a share in the blog.
…and the double Annas were climbing every route there was at the indoor climbing wall 🙂