Sprachcamp Allgäu – Mountains 1

Nach dem ersten Kennenlernen am Sonntag, ging es Montag auch gleich mit den ersten Outdoor-Aktivitäten los. Bei den jüngsten Teilnehmern war nach einer Vokabelsession „Climbing“ dann auch gleich die Praxis gefragt. News auch in schriftlicher Form gibts...

Tuesday to Thursday at Sprachcamp Allgaeu

Thoughts from two groups of the seniors: Group 1 (Leila, Laura, Julika, Melana, Victoria, Pauline, Laura) Thursday was a funny day because we were climbing in a hall. We went to „Obersdorf“ by bus, which takes very long because 2 buses were too full to get in,...

Sprachcamp Day Easter – Day 2 (SENIORS)

In  the morning we learned many new words and sentences that we are going to use on Tuesday when we go climbing. In the afternoon we went on a photo ralley. That was a lot of fun. After having Schnitzel fo dinner the evening program was very British… a pub...

Sprachcamp Easter Day 2 (Juniors)

In the morning, we practiced climbing. And in the afternoon we did a photo rally: we went on a hike and had to look for ducks and crocodiles, and in the end we had found them all. For dinner we had Schnitzel and country potatoes. Before dinner, we made a plan for our...