Good morning from Mountains 2

Good morning from Mountains 2

We came back from our expedition to Schwarzwasser Hütte yesterday – all very tired and proud of our trip! After playing games and prepping films for today we relaxed with a movie night. Janina: “  The hike to the hut was really fun, because the boys were...
First days at Sprachcamp

First days at Sprachcamp

Hello from Mountains 2 camp in Kleinwalsertal! The last two days the kids have been climbing and playing team games. The seniors have shot their video, which we will show on Saturday, and the junior group went to Jacob’s Ladder in the forest where they helped...
Englisch lernen in der dänischen Südsee!

Englisch lernen in der dänischen Südsee!

Our English campers from southern Germany have set sail to sail in the Danish South Pacific. The 5 participants will be accompanied by our experienced and creative language camp trainer Louis Waterman Evans and our skipper HC, who kindly provides us with his beautiful...
Mountains 2:  Jakob´s Ladder

Mountains 2: Jakob´s Ladder

After an amazing night filled with thunder, lightning and running around in the rain we were all excited for the second day of Mountains Camp 2. We woke up early to the sounds of cow bells and got ready for Jakob´s Ladder! We played some team games in the morning to...

Oceans 1 Segelcamp – We are sailing :-)

Today it’s Constantin who tells us about the happenings on the „Princess of Tides“: „We woke up at 0745. First of all I had problems with my contact lenses, but by 0805 I could go to breakfast after Louis came to hurry me up a few times. The...