von blogger | Aug. 5, 2013 | Sommercamp
Each group bonded further today with team games and the all important Sprachcamp Allgäu ‚Introduction to Climbing‘. The juniors then immediately put these skills to the test with a high ropes course. Meanwhile, the second junior group played team games and...
von blogger | Aug. 4, 2013 | Sommercamp
The first day of sprachcamp started with a very warm welcome. The team got to know our new sprachcampers with some games and discussion before running through the program for the week and the house rules. We’re looking forward to what is certain to be a great...
von kathrin | Juni 25, 2010 | Uncategorized
Unser neuester Film steht auf youtube bereit. Ein besonders lustiger Film mit sehr guten Sprachcamp Schauspielern. Here you go:
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