Englischcamp Gedichte aus dem Schulcamp Nürtingen

Englischcamp Gedichte aus dem Schulcamp Nürtingen

Mit Hilfe unserer Story-Würfel kamen die Schüler auf besonders schöne Gedichte. Sie hatten die Aufgabe erhalten, aus ihrem Namen und eben 2 Seiten der Story-Würfel ein Gedicht zu basteln – was dabei herauskam, war wirklich beeindruckend. Englisch wieder mal ganz...
Indian Summer

Indian Summer

Indian Summer and our language camp Allgäu school camp Today many of the groups went climbing – in English of course, with English games and lots of sun. Mark wrote about the day: Yesterday we went climbing to Jauchen and I managed to get up on the highest...
Englischcamp im Kleinwalsertal

Englischcamp im Kleinwalsertal

In October, as every year, our school camp took place with the students from Nürtingen. A great team from England, lots of sun and, of course, English all day long resulted in a really special camp. Here is a contribution from the participants: ‚The best from...
High Ropes, storms and the Sprachcamp Olympics

High Ropes, storms and the Sprachcamp Olympics

Today we were climbing in the high ropes course – it was very nice! While we were climbing a storm began – so we went inside and made an eating circle 🙂 In the evening we had the Sprachcamp Olympics. We made very funny sculptures where we need four feet...