von Sprach-Camper | Aug. 24, 2019 | Herbstcamp
Wir planen gerade unser Herbstcamp für 2019 Der Termin ist für den 27. Oktober bis 2. November 2019 vorgesehen. Veranstaltungsort ist wahrscheinlich Baad im Kleinwalsertal, das hängt aber noch von der Gruppengröße ab. Anmeldungen sind aber ab sofort möglich… Wir...
von Katrin Jost | Juni 21, 2019 | Pfingstcamp
‚Yesterday makes really fun because we are in the Kletterwald and there was many zip lines. We had nice ice cream and work in a team. Today we make a film with some friends and it was funny because we have many outtakes and we hope our movie is good. And I hope...
von Katrin Jost | Apr. 26, 2019 | Ostercamp
Hey guys! This is our blog about the 4th day in the week. Today we went climbing. Not tree-climbing this time! We climbed on a rock in the mountains. We walked for an hour and a half to get to the climbing rock. It was a little bit harder than climbing on a tree....
von Katrin Jost | Apr. 24, 2019 | Ostercamp
Hier sind ein paar Worte von unsere Sara und Jule: „Today was very nice because we were climbing. This was cool. But we have to went a long way. This was hot and hard. We did a little break. After the climbing we went by bus. At dinner we ate pizza. It was soo...
von Sprach-Camper | Nov. 15, 2018 | Schulcamp
Unser Highlight des Schulcamps: Ein englischer Vortrag von ‚Inspire Alpine‘ Wir hatten dieses Jahr wie immer wirklich enthusiastische und inspirierende Outdoor Trainer, die den Schülern das Englisch sprechen besonders ans Herz gelegt haben. Einer der...
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