von Katrin Jost | Apr. 26, 2019 | Ostercamp
Hey guys! This is our blog about the 4th day in the week. Today we went climbing. Not tree-climbing this time! We climbed on a rock in the mountains. We walked for an hour and a half to get to the climbing rock. It was a little bit harder than climbing on a tree....
von Katrin Jost | Apr. 24, 2019 | Ostercamp
Hi readers, here are Jakob, Justin and Basti and we are going to share our adventures of „SprachCamp 2019“ with you. it’s in Allgäu! On the arriving day we played outdoor games to get to know new people. After that we climbed on a tree, a very high...
von blogger | Aug. 2, 2017 | Sommercamp
It was wonderful weather here in the Kleinwalsertal today. We spent last night in the Schwarzwasser Hut after an exciting walk to the top, playing games and writing our storyboards along the way. Here’s what some of the children thought about our trip …...
von blogger | Juni 8, 2017 | Sommercamp
„Climbing was brilliant! It was funny … although hiking was boring … all of the team had fun and laughed a lot. The view of the mountain (from the top of the climb) was very beautiful.“ – Gioia, Eva, Noé and Jakob
von blogger | Aug. 1, 2016 | Kleinwalsertal Englischcamp
Summer is just slowly arriving in our English camp in Kleinwalsertal – the sun is out! Valentin created the first blog for us. Here it is: Today we played a very funny game. It is named ‚Acid Lake‘. There we have to take two water buckets out of the...
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