Sprachcamp Allgäu Segelcamp Ostsee – Tag 4 auf dem Schiff
Felix ist heute dran mit dem Segel-Tagebuch aus unserem Segelcamp an der Ostsee. Da freut sich sicher unsere treueste Blog-Leserin Frau Thurner 🙂 „At 745 we woke up and had breakfast. Louis, Delila and Marieke went swimming. The water looked cold as they were...Oceans 1 Segelcamp – We are sailing :-)
Today it’s Constantin who tells us about the happenings on the „Princess of Tides“: „We woke up at 0745. First of all I had problems with my contact lenses, but by 0805 I could go to breakfast after Louis came to hurry me up a few times. The...Geschützt: Englisches Wintercamp im Unterjoch
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