Englischcamp im Kleinwalsertal

Englischcamp im Kleinwalsertal

In October, as every year, our school camp took place with the students from Nürtingen. A great team from England, lots of sun and, of course, English all day long resulted in a really special camp. Here is a contribution from the participants: ‚The best from...
Mountains Camp II: Tuesday- The only way is up!

Mountains Camp II: Tuesday- The only way is up!

The second full day at Sprachcamp saw both the Junior and Intermediate groups tackle the Jacob’s Ladder – a task that involves a lot of teamwork and English dialogue within the climbing teams. Both groups were up to the challenge though, with most team...

Sprachcamp Allgäu Pfingsten

Erster Tag im Pfingstcamp 2011. So who are the guys in the blue shirts – und die anderen im Camp? Bestimmt alles erstmal aufregend und vielleicht auch ein bisschen verwirrend. Aber das werden wir ja dann rausfinden, wenn die ersten Blogs unserer Teilnehmer...