von kathrin | Aug. 15, 2013 | Sommercamp
We mainly use the blog to let our participants report directly from the camps. Today we do not report directly from the camp, but we got great customer feedback 🙂 We think it was a very nice camp, too! 🙂
von blogger | Aug. 7, 2013 | Kleinwalsertal Englischcamp, Sommercamp
We’re now half way through the week! Amazing how time flies when you’re having fun. The juniors had their chance to record a film today, their first decision was to make full use of the costume box. Leo and Quinten had this to say: „Today we made...
von blogger | Aug. 5, 2013 | Sommercamp
Each group bonded further today with team games and the all important Sprachcamp Allgäu ‚Introduction to Climbing‘. The juniors then immediately put these skills to the test with a high ropes course. Meanwhile, the second junior group played team games and...
von kathrin | Mai 22, 2013 | Pfingstcamp
Hallo liebe Eltern, hier kommen die ersten Bilder von Ihren Kids. Das Wetter war zum Glück nicht immer so schlecht wie es der Wetterbericht hat vermuten lassen...
von blogger | Apr. 3, 2013 | Ostercamp
Today we were lucky to be able to run about and play, along with practicing our team work and team motivation. This afternoon we started our film project, which was great fun! Props, script and storyboard are all underway. Bring on...
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