von blogger | Aug. 21, 2013 | Sommercamp
The Sprach Camp is really fun and you play lots of games. Sometimes you go outside and play, or go hiking and I am looking forward to going climbing. The instructor helps us to understand. You don’t have the pressure of grades because you learn the English...
von blogger | Aug. 6, 2013 | Kleinwalsertal Englischcamp
The third day of sprachcamp was our busiest yet. The budding young stars of the second junior group committed their ideas to film (which you can look forwards to seeing on Saturday). The seniors attempted the Jacob’s Ladder and took part in team games to earn...
von blogger | Juli 31, 2013 | Sommercamp
The junior group made their descent from the Black Water Hut (Schwarzwasserhütte) this morning while the seniors travelled in the opposite direction and will be staying at the hut tonight. Work began on the films for the junior group, as they developed their stories...
von kathrin | Juli 30, 2012 | Uncategorized
Nach dem ersten Kennenlernen am Sonntag, ging es Montag auch gleich mit den ersten Outdoor-Aktivitäten los. Bei den jüngsten Teilnehmern war nach einer Vokabelsession „Climbing“ dann auch gleich die Praxis gefragt. News auch in schriftlicher Form gibts...
von kathrin | Apr. 23, 2011 | Ostercamp
We hiked to a private climbing park. In teamwork, we climbed a huge ladder. We also made teamwork to go on top of the pamper pole. We climbed on a tree and there we jumped from it. It was much fun! We played English games, like this: “Before the jump I felt scared,...
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