Mountains 4- Climbing Day 31.08.2015

Mountains 4- Climbing Day 31.08.2015

Today we were rock climbing in Oberstdorf. We drove there by bus and train. Everybody climbed and belayed. After that we were really tired and hungry. -Franzi The weather was great, 30 degrees and sunny. The students did both climbing and a 25m abseil at the rock. We...
Mountains Camp II: Tuesday- The only way is up!

Mountains Camp II: Tuesday- The only way is up!

The second full day at Sprachcamp saw both the Junior and Intermediate groups tackle the Jacob’s Ladder – a task that involves a lot of teamwork and English dialogue within the climbing teams. Both groups were up to the challenge though, with most team...

Sommer Mountains I- Thursday 1/8/13

Today saw the seniors return from the Schwarzwasserhütte, hiking back down in the morning, before heading out for a swim near to Württembürger Haus. Even though the water was icy cold, some of the group even managed to treat us to a rendition of the song...