von blogger | Aug. 6, 2018 | Sommercamp, Sommercamp River & Lakes
Monday This morning we get up at 7:30 o’clock and had a delicious breakfast. After that we went to a beautiful river and swam in it. It was really cold but also fun! For tomorrow we had an intro into climbing. There we learn how we wear the climbing stuff. After...
von blogger | Aug. 2, 2017 | Sommercamp River & Lakes
We had a beautiful day at the lake, where we learned many new skills and had lots of fun. The weather was stunning and the water in the lake was very refreshing. We had a wonderful time playing games and enjoying the beautiful environment.
von blogger | Aug. 3, 2016 | Segelcamp
Our sailors made it to the island of Lyo – with lots of English games, English sailing and delicious food! Here is another message from Louis and the kids: Evening from the small island of Lyo. We arrived here in the harbor at just after 4pm and have had a...
von kathrin | Aug. 3, 2015 | Sommercamp
Hi Guys! We’re off to a fantastic start at here at sprachcamp. We’ve learned heaps of new vocab, learned some english sarchasm and of course played some fun games =) here’s what the kids are saying. Juniors 1 Today we started with a game named Ninja....
von kathrin | Juli 30, 2015 | Segelcamp
Today it’s Constantin who tells us about the happenings on the „Princess of Tides“: „We woke up at 0745. First of all I had problems with my contact lenses, but by 0805 I could go to breakfast after Louis came to hurry me up a few times. The...
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