von Sprach-Camper | Aug. 24, 2019 | Herbstcamp
Wir planen gerade unser Herbstcamp für 2019 Der Termin ist für den 27. Oktober bis 2. November 2019 vorgesehen. Veranstaltungsort ist wahrscheinlich Baad im Kleinwalsertal, das hängt aber noch von der Gruppengröße ab. Anmeldungen sind aber ab sofort möglich… Wir...
von blogger | Aug. 10, 2018 | Sommercamp, Sommercamp River & Lakes
This week by Christian & Benedikt On Sunday we arrived We are still alive Then we got to know each other And did that without our mothers On Monday we played games And shouted out our names On Tuesday we did climb Listen to our rhyme On Wednesday we made a movie...
von blogger | Aug. 3, 2018 | Sommercamp
Friday On the second to last day we woke up at 7:30 am. Then we went to breakfast at 8am. After breakfast we met in the seminar room to talk about how far we are with the movie. The girls‘ group with Kilian went after this to film the scenes. The other group...
von blogger | Juli 30, 2018 | Sommercamp, Sommercamp River & Lakes
We had an awesome time at the lake today. We walked from our hostel and found a bridge which took us there. It was sunny and hot but we found a place where we could have shade. The lake was cold but we got used to it. We played some games and learned about the body...
von blogger | Mai 31, 2018 | Pfingstcamp
Today we were climbing in the high ropes course – it was very nice! While we were climbing a storm began – so we went inside and made an eating circle 🙂 In the evening we had the Sprachcamp Olympics. We made very funny sculptures where we need four feet...
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