von blogger | Aug 2, 2018 | Sommercamp
Thursday After we woke up we went down to the breakfast. There we celebrated Kilian’s birthday and he got a cake. Stephan brought something to eat with him, so it was a nice breakfast! When we were done, we went out of the hut and started hiking up a mountain....
von blogger | Aug 2, 2018 | Sommercamp
Wednesday At 7:40 we stand up. Then at 8:00 am we go to breakfast. After the breakfast we met in the seminar room. In the seminar room we read a pack list and then we go to our room and pack the backpack. At 10:00 am we take the bus. When we were there we hike to the...
von blogger | Jul 31, 2017 | Sommercamp
Today both groups went to the Jacob’s Ladder in the forest, where the kids helped each other get to the top. Now we’re all ready to go on the rock later in the week!
von blogger | Jun 6, 2017 | Sommercamp
Today the weather is horrible but the groups didn’t care much about that. A challenging point of the day was the improvisation workshop, because same of the group members had to come out of their comfort zone and act out a story. It was interesting to explore...
von kathrin | Nov 9, 2015 | Herbstcamp
The team says goodbye to the Allgäu language camp from the 2015 season. If there is still so much momentum in the team at the end of the season, then you can count on great camps with great coaches and enthusiastic participants again in 2016. English should be fun 🙂...
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