Story dice

Story dice

To prepare for writing a movie script, today our group wrote stories using story dice: wooden dice with different symbols or characters on them (for example: witch, troll, thunderstorm, castle, princess, hourglass, star, …). Everyone rolled three dice and had to...
Summercamp stories

Summercamp stories

Today, we wrote stories to prepare for tomorrow (we’re going to make a movie!). Everyone had to choose three story dice – wooden dice with different symbols and characters on them. Then they wrote stories involving the three elements the dice displayed....
Englisch lernen: Rock climbing

Englisch lernen: Rock climbing

The junior group starts camp with an exciting trip to the local crags. For most of them it was the first time rock climbing, and everyone got to the top – some even challenged them selves on the harder routes! „The 3 and 4 (climbing grades) were easy, but...
Take your English rock climbing!

Take your English rock climbing!

Today the group hiked up the mountain to go rock climbing at Weihar. After practicing our belaying skills yesterday, we were ready to push ourselves on the rock! Here’s what Selina thought of the day: “ The day was very good because today we were climbing...
Jacob’s ladder

Jacob’s ladder

Today both groups went to the Jacob’s Ladder in the forest, where the kids helped each other get to the top. Now we’re all ready to go on the rock later in the week!