Story dice

Story dice

To prepare for writing a movie script, today our group wrote stories using story dice: wooden dice with different symbols or characters on them (for example: witch, troll, thunderstorm, castle, princess, hourglass, star, …). Everyone rolled three dice and had to...
Summercamp stories

Summercamp stories

Today, we wrote stories to prepare for tomorrow (we’re going to make a movie!). Everyone had to choose three story dice – wooden dice with different symbols and characters on them. Then they wrote stories involving the three elements the dice displayed....

Eine Sprachreise als Klassenfahrt

Und dass mitten im Allgäu: Mehrere Schüler des Hölderlin Gymnasiums Nürtingen wurden in der letzten Oktoberwoche von unserem Sprachcamp Team im Kleinwalsertal empfangen. Auf ihrer englischen Klassenfahrt ging es  darum Englisch zu sprechen und aber auch etwas über...

Song and Poetry of SprachCamp

Think About Our World All people can love the World, It´s our chance, just don´t give up, Take all the people to the sky, Something we can always try. Let´s enjoy what we have, And take care of the World. It´s something easy we must do, Because it´s good for you. So...