Update from Kleinwalsertal

Update from Kleinwalsertal

The senior group with Patrick and Sofie has been staying overnight in Schwarzwasserhütte and are getting ready to shoot their films tomorrow. By Silke, Lara and Henri „Yesterday we hiked to Schwarzwasserhütte. It was a really nice landscape, we walked along the...
Mountains II – Wednesday: Singin‘ in the rain!

Mountains II – Wednesday: Singin‘ in the rain!

Wednesday. It has been raining all day and yet the Juniors and Seniors managed to get up, pack their bags and leave to go up to the Schwarzwasserhütte. That leaves us, only 12, staying here at the house. Today consisted of the video preparation until lunch and after...

Sommer Mountains I- Thursday 1/8/13

Today saw the seniors return from the Schwarzwasserhütte, hiking back down in the morning, before heading out for a swim near to Württembürger Haus. Even though the water was icy cold, some of the group even managed to treat us to a rendition of the song...

Summer Mountains 31/07/13

The junior group made their descent from the Black Water Hut (Schwarzwasserhütte) this morning while the seniors travelled in the opposite direction and will be staying at the hut tonight. Work began on the films for the junior group, as they developed their stories...